
Friday, September 05, 2008

Spicing Up Budgeting!

Ah, budgets.... not exactly the most exciting topic of conversation, but the folks in Nevada are adding a little spice to things... some SAGE to be precise.

Okay, well maybe that's going a bit far, but when faced with a billion dollar budget shortfall (where have we heard that before??), the Governor implemented a Spending and Government Efficiency (SAGE) Commission.

From the order establishing the Commission:

WHEREAS, Nevada continues to be one of the fastest growing states in the nation, resulting in dramatic increases in government expenditures over the past thirty years. Specifically, the total state budget has increased by 35.3% (per capita, adjusted for inflation) since 1979; and

WHEREAS, it is incumbent on any responsible government to ensure that its expenditures are reasonable, responsible, and prudent, particularly when a state continues to experience rapid population growth with a corresponding increase in government expenditures; and

WHEREAS, the wise and responsible use of taxpayer dollars is a goal that all public officials should support and strive for; and

WHEREAS, it is imperative that state government maintain a low tax burden on its citizens while still providing essential state services; and

WHEREAS, a careful examination of state expenditures by an objective, neutral and bi-partisan body will help provide increased government efficiency and accountability and ensure that state government operates within its means and in a responsible manner; and

Wow- isn't it nice to have a Governor support keeping the tax budget low and opt for examining government efficiency and accountability rather than going right for a tax hike?

The folks over at Reason's "Out of Control" blog take a closer look as the SAGE Commission prepares its first set of recommendations.

We look forward to seeing the work of Nevada's SAGE Commission, and we wish them the best in implementing those recommendations, for as we know, that is often the hardest part...


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