
Friday, July 10, 2009

And this is health care "reform"???

They "say" that they are trying to "reform" health care and insure more Americans. So why are their billions of dollars being spent on pork projects?

Sweeping healthcare legislation working its way through Congress is more than an effort to provide insurance to millions of Americans without coverage. Tucked within is a provision that could provide billions of dollars for walking paths, streetlights, jungle gyms, and even farmers’ markets.

And while we are fully in support of encouraging individuals to take more responsibility for their own health through healthy lifestyle choices, we think that there are other ways to do this- rather than the federal government spending BILLIONS on new playgrounds and streetlights, as Senator Mike Enzi has been trying to tell Congress.

Enzi has said that instead of paying for pathways, it would be more effective to encourage lower insurance premiums for individuals who can prove they have taken steps to improve their health. He said that construction grants belong in other bills.


But then again, what did we expect when government gets involved? They aren't exactly known for their efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

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